OK. I'm going to do my first shopping post. I've only been at this for 2 weeks, so I am by no means an expert, but I feel that I'm getting pretty good deals and I can only get better at it!
So, if you haven't heard of CVSing, check out Money Saving Mom's blog. On the right hand side of her blog, there is a link to CVS 101. Basically, the plan is to buy things for free or practically free at CVS (or other drugstores-I'm working on Rite-aid and Walgreens too) that you would normally buy at the grocery store.
The way you do this is by buying things that are on sale, using coupons and getting Extra Care Bucks (ECB's) back-all on each item if you can. You then roll the ECB's that you earned onto your next purchase. You should always be trying to earn the same amount or more ECB's on each trip! That way you don't spend much out of pocket (OOP).
So, here was my shopping trip from this past Sunday 1/25 (sales for the week always start on Sunday).
I Bought (value before sale price):
CVS facial tissue $1.29 (Sale: 2 for $1.00)
CVS facial tissue $1.29
CVS facial tissue $1.29
CVS facial tissue $1.29CVS facial tissue $1.29
CVS facial tissue $1.29
Wisk he 3x concentrate 32 loads $8.49 (Sale: 2 for $9.00)
Wisk he 3x concentrate 32 loads $8.49
Garlic Salt $.99 (Sale: $.88)
Oregano $.99 (Sale: $.88)
Vanilla Extract $.99 (Sale: $.88)
Huggies Pull-Ups $12.99 (Sale: $10.00)
Huggies Pull-Ups $12.99
Colgate Total Advantage 7.6oz $4.89
Colgate Total Advantage 7.6oz $4.89
Value of Products = $63.45
Subtotal After Sale Prices = $44.42
Used Coupons:
$1.50 off Colgate Total printable
$1.50 off Colgate Total printable
$2.00 off Pull-Ups printable
$2.00 off Pull-Ups printable
$1.50 off Wisk
$1.50 off Wisk
=$33.42 (Used $14.58 in ECB's from last week) for a total of $21.47 (including tax) OOP
$5 ECB's for buying $20 worth of Huggies Products
$2 ECB's for 2 Wisks
$4 ECB's for buying 2 Colgtate Totals
Spent: $14.58 ECB's and $21.47 OOP
Received: $11 ECB's for next time
Total Cost: $25.05 (for 63.45 worth of products) - 60% savings!
If you want to try this, there are plenty of blogs out there that tell you what the best deals are each week. Try Southern Savers blog!
Let me know if you try it and how you did. Leave a comment!
Hey, that's pretty good! I was never very good at coupons, seemed like I did best on stuff I never use...