Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm Sew Excited!

No, I didn't spell that incorrectly. That's right, I got my sewing machine! My goal was $200, but my mom alerted me of a deal that ended Monday at Target. This Brother XL3750 sewing machine was on price cut for $99.99. It had all the features I wanted and seemed to be a pretty good machine. So, I bought it. I haven't used it yet, but I'm crossing my fingers that it won't break on me and it'll be a good machine for a while. I'm so happy!

Now my next goal is to get a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer. Oh yeah, that's right - the mother of all Stand-mixers. Isn't she beautiful? I'm either going to get the Artisan or a higher model. My goal will be to save up $300. I'll keep my eye out for a deal though! I'll keep you updated on my $ making progress in posts and in the top right hand box on my blog.

I'm starting with $106.13. That's $11.13 left over from my paypal account (from e-baying) after buying the sewing machine and $95 left over from the $125 I made from the focus group. So, that's only $193.87 to go and 35% of my goal!

Are you saving for anything? Do you have any more ideas on how to make money????

Monday, June 22, 2009

Great Focus Group Today!

Vocalpoint came to Louisville to hold a focus group and I was selected as one of the participants. It was pretty fun. I met a lot of great women, many of them that had their own frugal blogs! Someone wrote down everyone's e-mail address, so hopefully we can stay in touch. (If any of you lovely women read this...please leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you.) Anyway, it was only 2 and a half hours and I made $125! Awesome.

Besides holding focus groups, they send you free stuff and coupons. It's so worth it! Click here to learn more and to sign up.

Happy Monday!